Summer Hockey Shooting Drill

Dan Arel Photo
Dan Arel

The following two shooting drills are part of a larger Off-Season Hockey Shooting Challenge post I did - give it a read it you're looking for more shooting drills.

The two I wanted to focus on and submit for the drill contest are Chair Shot and Mess In Front, both of which my son worked on a lot last summer and improved on dramatically last season. 

Chair Shot

How many shots are taken during a game with the player fully balanced? We play our beautiful game on skates, and often off balance.

To help with this, use a chair to teach stability in our shots off balance. Or in this case, we used a recycle bin from the house.

Key Teaching Points

  • Keep the knee bent over the grounded foot. Keep weight on that leg, not the bucket.
  • Bottom hand should be aligned under the shooters chin.
  • As the shooter progresses, have them work more on a snap shot rather than a wristshot.

Mess In Front

How many goals are dirty goals? They aren’t pretty snipes from the slot, they are puck battles and trying to get a puck in the net in a crowded area right around the goalie. This drill works on picking up those loose pucks in front of the net.

To accomplish this, you can set up drills at home just like below. I am using some more tools I have on hand as a coach, but I tell parents and players to get creative here. Cones can be placed in front, other sports equipment, anything really to simulate a dogpile of sticks, skates and players.

Key Teaching Points

  • Encourage creativity.
  • Ensure players are pulling the puck back rather than forcing it forward.
  • These shots should be quick and punchy. These are battles in front, so stay away from letting players pull the puck out and set up for the perfect shot. Encourage them to pull it back and fire it in quickly.

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