IIHA Einfart (Entry) Small Area Game

Malcolm Sutherland Photo
Malcolm Sutherland

In this 3v3 odd-man type game, the coach defines a small area of space for the players to play this valuable game of finding space and time behind the point of attack.

With goaltenders and two forwards, the game begins 1vs1 from either a spotted puck from the coach or as illustrated a face-off start.

Live, in play the players attempt to create odd-man situations and chances like 2v1, 3v1 etc.

These situations and scoring chances occur by the players add a player from their team's sideline. This is created when the puck-carrying player skates behind their net with the puck. A new player then "jumps" into the play. 

Let the players discover when and how to make rapid player adds and let the players experience small continuous open-ended repeating battles and escapes.

Encourage "heads-up" focused plays and ideal communication both verbal and non-verbal.

When a goal is scored restart the game 1vs1.

Keep the competitive level and tempo level high. 

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