Two Drills To Add to Your Team's Warmup Or Practice

Clare McManus  Photo
Clare McManus

Warmups are all about simple drills to get the feet and body going before a game. Below are two drills I have done with my team in practice and in the warmup before games.

These drills can be used at any level.


The first drill here is a simple backward-to-forward drill with passing and shooting. This is a rotating drill so each side will rotate through the same drill. Start by dividing the players into two groups and putting each group on different sides of the blueline.

  1. F1 will start without the puck skating backward to about the top of the circle.
  2. Once F1 is close to the top of the circle, the next player(F2 in this diagram) in line will make a pass to the backward player(F1).
  3. When F1 receives the puck from F2, he/she will skate to and around the blueline.
  4. About halfway across the blueline, the player with the puck will make a cross-ice pass to the first player in line(F3 in this photo).
  5. F1 will then cut into the high slot area looking for the pass from F3. Once F1 receives the puck back, the player will take a shot and get back in line.
  6. The drill will then start again, but on the other side, this time with F3 starting backward, receiving the puck from F4. 
  7. The drill will continue and rotate. 



Drill two is an easy drill to implement in your warmup or practice plan to work on transition play along the boards and a one-on-one battle.

  1. All the defenseman will be placed at the blueline, while the forwards will be placed in a line, on the opposite side, by the top of the circle. 
  2. The first defenseman in the line will skate into the zone with a puck and take a shot on goal.
  3. Once the defenseman takes their shot, they will then go behind the net(where there will be a group of pucks) and grab a puck.
  4. The first forward in the line will wait for the defenseman to take a shot on net and start creeping to the bottom of the circle. The forward will transition backward opening up for a pass from the defenseman behind the net.
  5. When the forward receives the pass from the defenseman, the forward will skate up ice and curl back to the offensive zone around the blueline.
  6. After the defenseman makes the pass to the forward, the defenseman will get in position to defend the oncoming forward with the puck.
  7. This will end up being a one-on-one. 


I hope anyone who sees these drills will maybe add them to their plans! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

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