Catch and Shoot helps players to practice receiving the puck before releasing their shot. Players should be absorbing the puck as with their hands as it comes towards them from a pass.
Coach draws 2 spots near the top of the circles for the shooters to shoot from.
Pucks are in the corners with the rest of the players.
Players in the corner pass out to the shooter. The shooter receives the puck and takes a shot.
This pattern is repeated 3-5 times then the shooter is switched. The passer becomes the shooter and the shooter returns to line. The next player in line becomes the passer.
Key Points
Work on wrist shot technique:
- Weight transfer
- Kinetic chain
- Hands out
- Follow through
Encourage proper puck reception:
- Hands out
- Absorb passes by bringing hands towards the body
Players should be in hockey stance to maximize efficiency.
Feet should be diagonal to the target to help with weight transfer.
Puck should start next to back foot (not in front of the body).