Check out these drills from Collin Danielsmeier's 2023 TCS Live presentation on Using Contextual Interference to Develop Game-Ready Passing Skills.
After playing pro hockey in the DEL for 15 years, Collin Danielsmeier is now working for the German Hockey Federation. Danielsmeier runs clinics and development programs for German coaches, and works as a skills coach with the German Men’s National teams and Women’s National teams. He also mentors junior coaches for all DEL teams.
His presentation on Using Contextual Interference to Develop Game-Ready Passing Skills got players moving the puck under unusual circumstances. Defined as ”the phenomenon in which interference during practice is beneficial to skill learning,” Danielsmeier applied contextual interference by using different types of pucks and constant movement. There’s no doubt these drills will challenge your players.
- The coach shows a certain skating pattern around the tires and uses different ways of passing (forehand in different angles, backhand, drop passes, sources, etc) as he passes back and forth with each of the two groups.
- One player of each colour starts at the same time.
- Both players go the same way and use the same ways of passing as shown by the coach in his demonstration beforehand.
- Using different ways of passing is key! To make sure the players don’t always use the passing technique they’re most comfortable with, they have to play the passes the same way as shown by the coach.
- As you can see in the picture, there is a lot going on in this drill and it can be confusing in the beginning, but this is absolutely fine. We want it to be stressful and to be a cognitive challenge.
(Video in PASSING 1)
- One player of each colour starts at the same time.
- Both players choose a random pattern around the tires while they are randomly passing to each group (Example of the route of the red player).
- The space around the tires is divided into two yelow, two blue and one green area (as shown in B).
- The goal for every player is to pass twice from any yellow area, twice from any blue area and twice from the green area, before he can get back in line on the other side.
- The order of the passes from the certain areas can be randomly chosen by the players.
- The players must be aware of where they already passed from. They have to have a minimum of passes from the different areas, as described but they can do more passes if they want.
- It’s okay if there are three passes from one area before two passes from the other areas are completed, for example.
- Player one (black) starts with a heavy (orange) puck.
- Player two (blue) stands on the faceoff dot and starts with a regular puck.
- Player three starts with a light puck from the strong side offensive D’s position.
- Player one pressures the net and cuts back into the corner. He then exchanges pucks with player two.
- Player two shoots as fast as he can and goes to the net.
- Player one keeps going up the wall to the blue line, where he meets player three (red) for a high role play.
- While simulating the high role, player one and three exchange pucks.
- Player three goes down the wall and towards the net for the second shot with player one in front of the net. After the shoot player three goes to the net as well.
- Player one walks the blue line and takes the third shot from the blue line with two
screens in front of the net. - Three new players start the next rep. The players should change their position on every turn.
- There are three players involved in one rep. Every player starts with a different puck or ball (whatever is available and makes sense to you).
- The players have to pass and shoot in different game like situations, while they have to handle at least two different pucks/devices doing so.
- The players also use different ways of passing and shots from different angles and distances. Therefore we have a combination of three ways of contextual interference in this drill.
- We have 3 players placed outside of the box. 1 on each side of the box. One side is always open.
- We have 4 players on the inside of the box who play 2v2 with two designated offensive players and two defensive players who stay in their roles.
- The goal is to pass the puck from the inside to the outside then back into the inside while the defensive players try to get the puck and intercept passes. Give and goes should be taken away by the defensive players.
- Players on outside can be used as passing options but only when they are open and beside the puck carrier. Passes through the box are not allowed.
- Getting open and pass quality are the focus of this game.
- Outside players may skate through the box but only handle puck on outside.
- Everyone has to be moving, working to get open.
- Use lateral skating, good body positioning and different passing techniques.
- Variation: Defenders transition to attackers when they recover a puck and previous attackers now defend.