New Course: Building the Foundation of Skating with Victor Kraatz

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In this new course, we've partnered with Olympic gold medalist and World Champion figure skater Victor Kraatz to provide hockey coaches with a unique perspective on teaching fundamental skating techniques that directly translate to game situations. Drawing from his elite expertise in edge work, balance, and technical skating mechanics, Kraatz offers insights and methods that go beyond traditional hockey training, giving coaches valuable tools to help their players elevate their skating skills.

Discover Building the Foundation of Skating with Victor Kraatz now!

The foundation of this course is built on establishing a proper baseline of skating - agility, propulsion, and power, that makes all the difference between maintaining or losing speed. Victor's students skate through each of his techniques to demonstrate simple habits and techniques, but techniques that aren't obvious to most players and coaches who are keen to move on to game-like scenarios.

Each Chapter contains six lessons to get you up to speed quickly, but with as solid a foundation as possible.

  • Chapter 1 - The Foundation of Skating: Edges
  • Chapter 2 - Changing Edges & Gathering Speed
  • Chapter 3 - Dynamic Agility & Backwards Skating
  • Chapter 4 - Achieving Explosive Power
  • Chapter 5 - The Fastest Way to Change Directions: Stopping
  • Chapter 6 - Starts, Crossovers, & Dynamic Speed

Here's a preview from Chapter 1.

The Foundation of Skating: Edges

Let’s hit the ice! Chapter One of Building the Foundation of Skating is almost easier for younger players or beginners than it is for older players. It’s all about the habits. these lessons will ensure players are connected to the ice with all four edges (or more…) to establish a base from which all other skills can be taught. It’s time to build the foundation, let’s go!


Building the Foundation of Skating’s methodical approach to fundamentals helps coaches develop a structured teaching progression for players aged eight and up. By focusing on proper edges, glides, and turns, coaches can help their players build a strong foundation that prevents the development of poor habits that could limit their potential.

What makes the lessons in each chapter valuable is their precise progression from basic techniques to more complex movements, allowing coaches to help players build a strong foundation that prevents the development of poor habits.

What sets this course apart is its emphasis on patience and proper skill acquisition. Rather than rushing into game-like scenarios, Kraatz demonstrates how to break down complex movements into manageable components. This approach allows coaches to identify and correct technical flaws in their players' skating, ultimately leading to better speed maintenance and more efficient movement on the ice. The progression becomes natural, automatic even.

Building the Foundation of Skating will propel each and every unique skill in your players to new levels. A proper base of skating makes stickhandling, shooting, and checking that much easier to attain. Build confidence in your players by combining technical precision and hockey's dynamic requirements. This course provides coaches and players with fresh insights and teaching methods to elevate performance almost instantly.

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