5 Drills to Run in Tryouts: U11 to U13 Edition

Kelvin Cech Photo
Kelvin Cech

By the time an 11 year-old hockey player hits the ice for tryouts, they're either feeling like a confident veteran or a nervous first-timer who despises this part. They could land anywhere on the spectrum between as well. It's important that we cater tryouts for both personalities. If the drills are too complicated we could miss the introverted superstar who hasn't tapped their potential yet. Too simple and the top players might go through the motions, which is an attitude issue, but one you'd be happy to deal with once the team is set if the player is good enough to make the top team.

10 - 12 year-olds should be demonstrating basic skills in tryouts as well as competing against their peers. Their positioning and hockey sense will vary wildly from player to player, but that's the section of their hockey journey they're about to enter, so the intangibles should be considered, but weighed less heavily against skating, passing, shooting, and checking.

Each of these drills are going to separate the players into two or four groups, so make sure you have two colours so you can easily separate. Just two, not four. You should arm four coaches with clipboards and names for their group, and have them rank each player in each event. The same can be done with evaluators in the stands.

The drills are also designed to give maximum eyes on each player. There's some standing around in line, but that's by design. Coach and puck placement is also important so everyone can watch as much as possible.

Drill 1: Weave Long Pass (Skating / Passing / Shooting - 10mins)

  • Separate the group into two lines at opposite blue lines
  • Make sure coaches are positioned where they can tell players to start without using a whistle
  • Player starts with a pass from blue line to blue to coach
  • Player weaves through pylons and receives pass after third pylon
  • Accelerates at the end of final turn and shoots

What to Watch For

  • Can the players perform efficient turns?
  • Are they comfortable on their edges (inside foot, outside edge, outside foot, inside edge)?
  • Are they maintaining basic control of their upper body?
  • Are their passes relatively on target?

Drill 2: 2on0 Pass & Shot (Skating, Passing, Shooting 10mins)

  • Players line up on either side of the red line and start when the coach passes to either line
  • Each player has to make at least one pass
  • Shoot on the goalie and go to the net for a rebound!

What to Watch For

  • Can players make accurate passes that their partner doesn't have to stop for?
  • Can the players maintain forward momentum while passing the puck?
  • Are they scanning the ice to see where their partner is?

Drill 3: 1on1 Racehound (Skating, Skating With Puck, Checking 10mins)

  • Players line up on each side of the red line
  • Players who are racing have to start with one skate touching the red line
  • A coach blows the whistle for both sides
  • Coach places a puck in the middle or toward one side
  • Whoever touches the puck first goes for a breakaway or plays offence
  • The second player chases and tries to get the puck back

What to Watch For

  • Can't hide in this one! Who gets the puck first?

Drill 4: Kamloops Angling (Skating, Team Play 15mins)

  • Both sides skate to blue line on whistle
  • Coach spots puck on either side, that team is on offence
  • Defensive players have to tag up blue line
  • Can also progress from 1on1 to 2on2 to 3on3

What to Watch For

  • Which players are aware of the specific situations in the game (touching the blue line, picking up the puck first, using teammates)?
  • Do players scan the ice and get open?
  • Who is communicating?
  • Who demonstrates greater speed, agility, and power, compared to the rest of the group?

Drill 5: Scrimmage (Everything! 15mins)

This is why the kids are here: to play games and have fun. Your rankings will be pretty evident even at this point, so hop on the bench, throw a puck on the ice and let the kids play.

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