1,2,3 Forecheck
3 Reps.
Starts with F1 dumping puck and chasing after it.
Other line will breakout facing the forechecker.
Once they break it out, they pass to F2 who skates to blue line and dumps the puck, F2 and F1 forecheck.
Line breaks out and passes to F3 who gets to blueline and dumps the puck, forechecks it with F2 and F3. D step up to blueline and it is a 5v5 full ice.
Players not in the drill are on the bench,
Pittsburgh Attack
Part One: Starts with 2 D, 3F and one FC.
On whistle coach dumps puck (D retrieves or goalie stops puck) and 2 D and 3 F break puck out. FC hard on puck.
Part Two: Once puck is broken out, the D who retrieved the puck and the FC head back to line and 3 F and 1 D go 4on2 on 2 new D.
Part Three: On the whistle, the closest F to the line skates hard to the coach, stick checks and dumps puck and now is the forechecker on 3 new F.
3 Pass Breakout Drill
Fast Paced Breakout Drill.
3 Lines (RW, C, LW)
On whistle, D leaves corner with puck, hard around net with head up. Hits LW with a pass. Left wing makes move around stick hanging out of net and goes up ice for shot.
D makes hard punch turn and goes behind crease to get another puck, head up, feeds RW (does same as LW).
D makes hard punch turn goes behind crease picks up another puck and feeds C who has cut low. Centre goes up ice.
D cuts to middle of ice calling for pass, second D in line feeds him and he goes up ice for a shot.
When second D makes that pass, they start the drill over again.
Coaches at Centre with aggressive sticks, making players cut wide and have their head up.
Progression: Coaches point to where the forwards enter (works on them skating through the neutral zone with their head up)
Progression 2: Once One coach tells them the entry, another coach holds up numbers with their fingers. Teaches the kids to keep their head up even after they make a decision.