The two skills I feel are neglected by coaches in youth hockey are passing and teaching our defencemen gap control. Most likely because these practices aren't the prettiest. However, they are probably the two most important skills when it comes to building a difficult team to defend. Try out these three drills and let me know what you think!
2 on 2 Speed Cross
The coach will start the drill on the whistle.
- F1 and F2 start by crossing underneath the coach.
- D1 and D2 start at the top of the circle and will quickly gap up on the whistle.
- The coach will spot the puck out on either side of him, the D won't know where the coach is playing the puck, and the forwards will have to read the play.
- The defense has to challenge the forwards at the blue line, or if the forwards have too much speed, they may have to back in. Try to teach your D to surf across and play the forwards while skating forwards.
- Allow the play to run out, and play 2on2 until the whistle, and then start the drill the other way.
1v1 Return
- On the whistle, the coach will spot a puck in the corner.
- The D will backpedal, pivot forwards, retrieve the puck, and wheel behind the net.
- While this is happening, the F1 will come off the wall, into the dot lane, and open up for a pass on the half wall.
- D wheeling the net, make a strong pass to F1 on the Breakout and F1 will take off up the ice.
- F1 will get off the wall, and attack the neutral zone dot to make a tight turn inside out turn and begin the attack.
- After the D makes the pass they sprint to the top of the circle, slam on the brakes, skate back to the dot, stop, and then get up the ice to set a strong gap on the forward coming in off the rush.
2v2 Gap Up
- D1 & D2 start on the blue line
- On the whistle, F1 will pass the puck to D1, F1 and F2 will get their bodies net front after the puck goes from low to high. D1 will take a shot or go D to D then shoot.
- Forwards play the rebound for a split second
- The coach will blow the whistle and the two forwards will begin their attack, while a coach passes them a puck.
- Teach your D to gather ice right away when forwards start their rush. Use pylons at first and take pylons away once your D gets comfortable skating forward before retreating backward in the offense zone.