1,2.5 Forecheck SAG

Shaun Earl Photo
Shaun Earl

I discovered an incredible forechecking drill in The Coaches Site's Chalk Talk series with Marco Sturm, suitable for players U13 and up. This drill excels in instructing forechecking routes. Guide your team through these progressions to teach the F1 player how to attack from the inside out with an effective stick, maintaining a position between the dots to allow for a quick reattack at any moment.

  • Forwards will start at the far blue line
  • Defence will start on the oposite neutral zone dots
  • After the coach kicks out a puck to one of the of forwards, That forward is now F1 and will quickly gain the red line and depoist the puck in a corner
  • D will gap up in the neutral zone, skate backwards on the attack, and then will pivot forwards once the puck is dumped in and begin their breakout
  • This is now an inverted 1 on 2 forecheck, D vs Forwards
  • F1 that depoisted the puck, takes the route of the F1 forechecker attacking inside/out forcing D1 up the strong side wall but also trying to stay in between the dots as much as possible so they if it goes D to D they can re-load and attacked.
  • After the defence successful breaks out, they pass the puck to the coach, who kicks the puck out to the next two forwards in line.

  • The forward that just went will flee the zone and the same two D will gap up quickly on the next two forwards
  • Whoever the coach passes to, they become F1 and do the same thing. Gain the red line, depsoit a puck and go inside out between the dots trying to squeeze the D up the wall.
  • The F2 is looking at closing off the strong side half wall and taking away any chances on the D of breaking out 
  • If the Defence goes D to D, F1 and F2 will reload and reattack the D2 on the weak side of the ice. 
  • Defence are trying to break out of this 2on2, forwards trying to score.

The final progression of this drill, is a 5on5 breakout/forecheck.

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