Zig Zag Stops helps work on stopping fundamentals. Have players load their edges by dropping their hips as they push on their inside edges.
Coach draws lines on the ice to designate starting and end points for the players and places 4 cones In a zig zag pattern across the ice.
Players line up behind the starting line on one side.
Players skate to the first cone performing a stop before moving onto the next cone, performing stops on all 4 cones.
After the last cone players line up at the line on the far side.
Once a player is past the second cone the next player may go.
Key Points
Load edges with pressure by bending knees and dropping hips slightly.
“Snow plow” or point toes towards each other to initiate loading inside edge.
Use leg strength to push down on the ice and scrape.
Encourage players to make snow by stopping.