Tight Turn to Shot is a great drill to work on fundamentals of a tight turn. Encourage players to work on their hand positioning with a puck.
Coach places 3 cones in front of the line and a 4th cone near the middle of the ice.
Players line up behind an additional cone (or marking)
On the whistle players practice tight turns with a puck around the cones ensuring to go all the way around the cone.
Once the player finishes the third cone they move towards the goal line by going around the fourth cone.
Once a player is past the last cone they take a shot then returns to line.
The next player may go when the fist player gets to the second cone.
Key Points
Focus on tight turn technique:
- Use both edges (inside and outside)
- Drop hips
- Rotate shoulders in direction of turn
Make sure players practice turning in both directions.
The next player in line goes once the first player finishes the second turn.