Sling Shot - Crossovers

Sling Shot is a great drill for working on posture and gliding. Have players use the under push of the outside edge to accelerate with crossovers.


Coach sets up 2 cones at the top of the drill

Players start on the goal line.

Coach directs player to go.

Player skates hard to gain speed then goes into a glide at the cones.

At the cones the player performs crossovers by picking up their outside foot and steeping it over their inside foot.

The player resets their foot position by picking up their inside foot and returning to a glide.

Once the player gets around the second cone they return to line.

Key Points

Reinforce crossover technique:

  • Inside shoulder up
  • Hips under shoulders
  • Look in the direction of skating
  • Push outside edge under body

Focus on the balance of the outside edge of the inside foot, ensuring proper ankle bend.

Work on under push of outside edge as players get better.

Encourage players to listen to their edges.

Ensure you do drill in both directions.

To increase difficulty have them perform consecutive crossovers until they get back to the goal line.

Looking for more drills? Check out our U6-U11 Curriculums, the perfect guide for a Minor Hockey Season.

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