Puck Protection Progression

Puck Protection Progression is a great drill for learning body position. As the players get more comfortable build the drill up to be more dynamic.


Coach draws 1 X for every 2 players on the ice and sections their area into 3.

One player lines up on top of the X and the other beside them.

On the single whistle have players battle for position over the X.

On the double whistle players stop and change starting positions.

Progress the drill with the following:

  1. Add a puck but no one can touch it.
  2. Can touch the puck but it should stay on the X
  3. Can move in their area (1vs1 puck protection)

Key Points

No running start (ie charging) before engaging in contact with the other player

Utilize proper hockey stance

Encourage battle for body position:

  • Foot placement
  • Use of hips
  • Balance on edges

No pushing or use of arms

When adding a puck make it easier for the puck carrier by flipping the defence persons stick.

Person with the puck should be using body to protect the puck.

Looking for more drills? Check out our U6-U11 Curriculums, the perfect guide for a Minor Hockey Season.

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