Player in the Middle encourages players to move the puck and find passing lanes. Help players be ready for passes by having their hands out and stick in side puck handling position.
Coach marks spots in a circular formation for all the players except 1.
Players line up on the marks and with the extra player in the middle.
Players attempt to pass the puck to one another without the player in the middle intercepting the puck.
If the middle player gets the puck the player that last touched in joins the middle and the player in the middle takes their place.
If the player in the middle is there for over a minute change who is in the middle.
Key Points
Ensure players use proper passing technique:
- Using heel of stick
- Push and pull with hands
- Follow through with bottom hand
Players skates should be pointing forward towards who they are passing to (not turning to either side) while passing.
Players skates should face the player trying to make the pass.
Work on fakes before passing to throw off the player in the middle.