Strong Stick Passing and Receiving

Thomas Johnson Photo
Thomas Johnson

Receiving a pass takes a bit of determination. The mindset that we want is, "you cannot give a good player a bad pass." The mentality is about finding a way to make every catch; on your forehand, backhand, in your feet, one-handed, or even adjusting your feet, hands, and/or body. 
Receiving starts with presenting a good target for your teammates; hands away from your body, stick blade needs to be on the ice at "right angles," plus your head and eyes facing the passer; "nose to the puck". Receivers need to keep their stick blade perpendicular to the path of the puck or making a "T" to the puck. Make certain that your blade makes a "wall" not a 'ramp.' 
As a base skill; we do not teach catching pucks with soft/giving hands as we did in the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. Today's sticks require a "strong stick" for catching pucks. Watch this video explaining a strong stick for catching pucks. Note the emphasis on strong bottom hands. 
FYI: Soft catching is a secondary or tertiary skill for advanced skill blending; ie. catch & shoot in one motion.

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