Inside Edge to Acceleration

Inside Edge to Acceleration is a great drill for teaching inside edge control. Make sure players are in a deep knee bend and lowering their hips.


Coach sets up 3 cones staggered in front of the line. A second cone and a barrier can be used to encourage players on the crossover.

Players line up in the corner behind the goal line.

On the whistle the first player leaves and performs 3 changes in direction around the first 3 cones.

After the third cone the player attempts to crossover above the barrier and over the fourth cone.

After the last cone the coach passes the player a puck and then they shoot on net.

The player then returns to line.

Key Points

The next player inline can go when the player in front of them reaches the third cone.

Looking for smooth turns around the cones maintaining speed.

This is building to fakes so the cones should be be fairly tight. Looking for changes in angle of skates and shifting weight side to side.

Work on Inside edge balance:

  • Hips down
  • Shoulders back
  • Looking direction of turn

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