Get your defencemen shooting from the point with traffic.
In this small area game, the players are working on net front play with shots coming in from the blue line. Goaltenders get to work on finding the puck through traffic.
Set up two nets on the goal line in the same end zone. Two teams line up on the blue line in groups of three with at least one defenseman shooter in each group. Play starts with the Coach passing the puck off of the end boards to start 2v2 play with a defenseman shooter from each team setting up high near the blue line. All attacks must start with a pass up to their defenseman near the blue line. To encourage D shots with traffic, goals scored off of screen shots, deflections or rebounds are worth two points. Players may make passes before shooting but those goals are only worth one point. 25-40 second shifts.
Key Points
Upon recovering the puck off of the shoot-in or on a turnover, you must make a pass up to your own defenseman before attacking the net. Defensemen should stay at least two stick lengths above the circles and shoot wrist shots that are easier to deflect. All attacks to the net are started with a shot from the defenseman. After recovering a rebound, you may score after a pass.
Attackers should work on screen positioning and deflecting pucks. Defenders should work at blocking out the attackers and controlling their sticks.
Pro, Semi-Pro, 17-20, 15-15, 13-14, 11-12