Freeze Tag is a great game for players to work in an invasive environment. Encourage players to have their heads up and avoid all obstacles.


The Coach sections the ice with cones, barriers or by drawing on the ice.

Players mill about in the designated area while the coach gives chase.

When a player is tagged then they must stop and put their arms out in a T position or are "frozen".

Another player can "unfreeze" the "frozen" player by going under one of their arms.

Increase difficulty by having players take turns being the chaser and increasing the amount of chasers.

Make sure to indicate who the chasers are by having them hold a cone or wear a pinnie.

Key Points

Encourage proper movement patterns:

  • Tight turns
  • Glide turns
  • Stops
  • Stride

This game is invasive. It must be explained to players that they need to avoid collisions and keep their heads up. This may mean slowing down. The danger increases as more players become the chasers.

Coach starts by being it to ease the players into the proper movement patterns and techniques for success.

Increase difficulty by having players go under both arms in order to "unfreeze" a frozen player.

Goal is to get kids moving with their head up.

Can be done in all 3 areas as players come on the ice.

Looking for more drills? Check out our U6-U11 Curriculums, the perfect guide for a Minor Hockey Season.

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