Double Tight Turns encourages players to work on their turns with more speed. Help players look where they are going and keep their inside shoulder up.
Coach draws 4 lines on the ice to indicate starting points of the drill.
Players line up behind 2 of the lines on the same side of the ice.
On the whistle players start skating forward.
On the double whistle players perform turns in the same direction.
Coach skates backwards and repeats this until the players are at the far end.
When a player finishes they line up on the far side waiting for everyone to finish.
Coach starts the next group with a single whistle.
Key Points
Players are encouraged to use proper hockey stance and outside edge of inside foot.
Turning their head as they enter the turn towards the next cone to initiated the change in direction.
Have players accelerate out of the turn.
Ensure players get to turn in both directions.