Cross Ice Skating - Inside and Outside Edges

Cross Ice Skating drills are a great way to teach skating fundamentals. Use this drill to help players put pressure on their inside and outside edges.


Coach places 4 staggered cones spread out in the drill area.

Players line up at the start of the drill and skate through the cones performing edge work and control.

At the cone players perform crossovers and skate back to their line.

Once a player is past the second cone the next player may go.


  1. Inside edge skulls
  2. Outside edge skulls
  3. Crossovers

Key Points

Focus on proper hockey stance technique:

  • Hips down
  • Shoulders back
  • Balanced on blades

When doing edges focus on body position and creating pressure on the blade.

Encourage players to skate fast back to the line.

Looking for more drills? Check out our U6-U11 Curriculums, the perfect guide for a Minor Hockey Season.

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