Cross Ice Skating - Backwards Stride

Cross Ice Skating drills are a great way to teach skating fundamentals. This drill progression is great fro helping players with their backward stride.


Coach draws lines on the ice to designate starting point for the players and places a cone at the far side of the ice inline with the player line.

Players skate to the far cone while performing different stride and edge drills.

At the cone players turn and skate back to their line forwards.

Once a player is past the cone the next player may go.


  1. Backwards full stride
  2. C-Cuts breakdown
  3. Two C-Cuts to knee drop
  4. Backwards Arm Swings

Key Points

Focus on proper backwards stride technique:

  • Large C-cuts
  • No swivelling hips
  • Foot recovery
  • Extending the same arm and leg

When performing knee drops keep hands up and shoulders back.

Encourage players to skate fast back to the line.

Looking for more drills? Check out our U6-U11 Curriculums, the perfect guide for a Minor Hockey Season.

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