Cross Ice 1vs1

TCS+ Photo


Coach draws lines on the ice to designate starting point for the players and places a 2 cones at the far side of the ice inline with the player line. The coach may also draw a scoring line 10-15 feet from the net.

The players form 2 lines at the start (offence and defence). The line farthest from the net is the offensive line and start with a puck. The line closets to the net are defensive players and don't have a puck.

On the whistle the players skate to the cones. The offensive player skates forwards around the far cone then tries to score. The defensive player skates forwards to the near cone and pivots to go backwards and play defence.

The drill ends when the defensive player gets the puck or the offensive player scores.

Players then switch lines.

Key Points

Offensive players should be using skating and edges to get around defenders.

Defensive players should be using skating and edges to stay in front of offensive player and cause a turnover.

Ensure to do drill in both directions.

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