Corner Stop and Go helps players work on their stops and starts. Have players lower their hips to assist the stop and start in the new direction.
Coach places a cone at the top of the circle.
Players line up at the goal line in the corner.
On the whistle players skate to the cone and perform a stop.
Player then skates tot he net and gets a pass from the coach.
Next player may go after the coach makes the pass.
Player then returns to line.
Key Points
Load edges with pressure by bending knees and dropping hips slightly.
Use leg strength to push down on the ice and scrape.
Ankle bend on foot making the stop so that skate is on outside edge.
Encourage players to make snow by stopping.
Take off in the next direction by:
- Turning torso in the new trajectory
- Driving knee of outside foot
- Pushing off of inside foot (outside edge)
To assist with absorbing passes have players get their hands in front of their body.