Chain Link Crossovers

Chain Link helps players develop speed off their inside edge. Encourage players to stay low and gain speed with their under push off their outside edge.


Coach sets up 2 cones at the top of the drill and 2 cones at the bottom.

Players start on the goal line.

Player skates until they get to cones. Once there they glide from cone to cone using their edges to propel themselves.

Players then skate to the next set of cones by using their outside edges and crossing over trying to maintain speed or speed up.

Once the player finishes 1 one and half times around the circuit they return to the line.

Key Points

Reinforce crossover technique:

  • Inside shoulder up
  • Hips under shoulders
  • Look in the direction of skating
  • Push outside edge under body

Focus on the balance of the outside edge of the inside foot, ensuring proper ankle bend.

Encourage players to listen to their edges.

If players struggle to propel themselves drill can be regressed to Single circle or Slingshot drill formation.

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