This small area game creates different offensive and defensive scenarios for your players.

Featured in the 2022 TCS Live Drill Book, Princeton University head coach Cara Morey shares a small area game that creates different offensive and defensive scenarios.


Split the team in half, one team is on offense and the other is on defense. Coach initiates the game by tapping first offensive player in line (F1). F1 starts with breakaway. Coach taps first defensive player in line (D1) who back checks. Coach then chooses when to activate extra defenders and attackers to control the scenario. Can be 1v1, 2v2, 2v2, or 3v2. Offensive team gets a point for scoring and defensive team gets a point for breaking the puck out over the blue line with FULL CONTROL. Each team gets 5 minutes on offense and 5 minutes on defense. Losing team skates.

Key Points

  • Good communication on offense and on defence.
  • Defenders protect the middle of the ice.
  • Attack the net for rebounds after shots.

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