3vs3 Blast Off is a great game to get players sprinting up the ice. Encourage players to attack the net with speed and go for rebounds.
Coaches set up the nets and mark benches for the players not playing and then draws a line across the ice at the net.
Players start in the benches.
On the whistle teams play 3vs3 at are trying to score on the opposing net.
After gaining possession teams must pass to a player on their own team before they can score.
If a puck goes behind the line across the ice or a goal is scored that defending team now leaves the ice. 3 new players from that team leave from line and one of them receives a pass from the coach.
This game is to encourage plays off the rush, identify checks as they come off the bench and head to head one vs ones.
Key Points
Reinforce offensive tactics:
- Get around defender
- Make plays to your teammate
- Getting open (move away from defender)
Encourage defensive tactics:
- Goal side
- Marking
- Protecting the middle of the ice