Work on creating a quick transition from offence to defence with this cross ice game.
Featured in the 2022 TCS Live Drill Book, this cross ice game from USA Hockey’s NTDP coach Dan Muse works on creating a quick transition from offence to defence.
- Cross-Ice game
- Can play 2v2 or 3v3 (diagramed as 3v3)
- Have a line drawn through middle of zone and mark half circle
in each corner - Start 3v3 in zone (Reds on offence, whites on defence, and
next 3 whites waiting at line) - When whites recover puck they pass to one of 3 whites
waiting - 3 New whites must tag puck into corner and then attack
- Reds that started on offence sprint back and defend
- 3 new reds come out and wait
Key Points
- Quick transition for offence to defence