Decision Making Warm Up - 4 Progressions | 2024 GSS Drill Book

Kevin Galerno Photo
Kevin Galerno

Supporting his presentation on Developing Good Habits for Decision Making, Kevin Galerno shares this four progression warm up drill to get players to work on the fundamental habits of making good decisions.

Download the 2024 Global Skills Showcase Drill Book.

Decision Making Warm Up - 4 Progressions

Drill Description:

Progression 1: Low pressure in circle.

  • Players randomly circulate in circle and focus on being aware of pressure.
  • They work on moving the puck outside their feet or rounding the puck to create puck protection.
  • Use extremely low pressure from opposing players and focus on puck control while maintaining awareness.

Progression 2: Adding pressure.

  • Same focus as Prog. 1, but adds an extra layer of pressure that forces players to work harder to keep control of the puck.
  • Players must maintain awareness regarding the pressure directly close to them and the next set of pressure coming.

Progression 3: Removing puck from one player.

  • As players skate in and around the circle, the player without a puck tries to steal a puck from any player with puck.
  • Once they steal it, the player who lost their puck will circulate and try to take another puck.
  • Players with the puck can also add light stick pressure to other players with the puck to try and force someone to lose control.

Progression 4: Adding extra layers of pressure

  • Multiple players moving in and around the circle trying to protect the puck while also adding light pressure to other players with the puck.
  • 3 or 4 players also move randomly around the outside of the circle and have 1 puck between them.
  • They try to find passing lanes to make plays either on the outside or through the middle, avoiding the players inside the circle. 

Key Teaching Points:

  • Eyes up.
  • Hands away from body to help with puck control.
  • Move puck outside feet when protecting it.
  • Focus on 1st layer of pressure to start and make a decision to protect puck.
  • As you progress, start to include awareness of second layer of pressure.
  • As progressions finish, start to focus on making plays through and around pressure. 

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