Passing and Receiving - Stick on Hip Across Blueline | 2024 GSS Drill Book

Supporting his presentation on Optimizing Pass Receptions, Alexandre Chénier shares this pass receiving drill that focuses on driving the stick on the hip with elbows high.

Download the 2024 Global Skills Showcase Drill Book.

Passing and Receiving - Stick on Hip Across Blueline

Drill Description:

  • Players line up on opposite ends of the blue line.
  • Coach will stand at centre ice.
  • They skate across and receive the puck on their strongside from coach, driving their stick on their hips with their elbow high.
  • After receiving the puck, they go in for a shot.

Key Teaching Points

  • Elbow high.
  • Stick on hip.
  • Stick outside the skate.
  • Adjust with the bottom hand.

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