This course is intended for coaches at all levels across all sports who are determined to enhance their team culture and provide a heightened experience for players, parents, officials, and of course, themselves. This course can be purchased separately whether or not you possess a TCS membership.
John O’Sullivan has dedicated his post-athletic career to Changing the Game - literally. John started a foundation called Changing the Game and partnered with The Coaches Site to provide insights into a commitment to culture and how it impacts a team on and off the ice (or pitch, diamond, field, and so on!)
Transformational Coaching will take you through specific real-world examples that John has cultivated from a lifetime of experiences on both sides of the bench. Take the knowledge here and apply it to your own team and your own sport, and through that dedication and passion you’ll soon find yourself changing your own game.
Build CONNECTION with your athletes so that they are willing to learn and compete their very best.
Establish strong COMMUNICATION so your players will learn faster and listen better.
Intentionally preach CHARACTER lessons into your coaching by establishing and teaching core values.
You must be at least a free member of The Coaches Site to access this course. SIGN UP NOW!
Transformational Coaching with John O'Sullivan
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