The 5 Essentials for Creating Effective Rituals and Routines

“Success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” – Zig Ziglar

Hockey players have often associated with being superstitious. Perhaps it is just that they have an intuitive understanding of the importance their rituals and routines have on impacting their game. Routines can be made up of habits that players develop over time; often routines come from repetition and practice. Rituals, on the other hand, are embedded with more understanding, awareness, and meaning. Often, these are associated with particular meanings a player assigns to them; they believe it makes them play better, so they will not deviate from that ritual.

“Show me your routine habits and rituals and I’ll show you your future…” – Joe Duncan | Before 5am

Off-season is a great time to recharge, reset, retool, and prepare for the upcoming season. However, often the rituals and routines from the past season are not needed at this time of the year. The intensity of being in-season form gives way to new more relaxed routines in the summertime. Although training for many is still important; living a life that includes connecting with family and friends becomes a higher priority. This time is crucial for a player because a hockey player is not who they are, it’s what they do.

 “Change requires awareness and understanding” – Anthony de Melo

With the onset of training camps on the horizon, it becomes important for a player to begin to refocus on some of the essentials needed to create their rituals and routines. These are what the player feels is going to give them the extra edge to either make the team and/or position themselves to show up as the highest and best version of the players they can be.

The five essentials needed to create effective rituals and routines, are as follows:

  1. Reflection – Reflect back on last season and what worked for you and what area can you be more consistent and effective this season.
  2. Identify and Connect – Who is in your success posse (those around you who want you to succeed)?  Plan to discuss some the areas in your preparation you want to be more effective  and seek their input.
  3. Open Mindset – Be curious and be willing to try new approaches. Whether it be visualizations, positive affirmations, new healthy diets, staying off social media on game days etc. Be willing to be teachable and coachable by the appropriate people from your success posse.
  4. Write Them Down – Whether on paper or notes on your iPhone. Become an observer of your rituals and routines. Become aware of your habits and learn to understand why they are important to your performance on and off the ice.
  5.  Be Committed and Consistent – Preparation is the antidote to uncertainty. When you are prepared, you can handle any situation thrown at you. Well thought-out rituals and routines are the preparation necessary for you to show up as the highest and best version of yourself.

“Energy goes where focus goes. Concentration is how long a player maintains that focus” – COR Foundational Principle

Effective rituals and routines are foundational pieces for many high-level hockey performers. It allows them to focus on the right things, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reasons. It allows them to be in the highest level of energy to start a game or practice, which increases their potential to get into the ‘zone.’

Here’s a video from a few years ago on how serious effective rituals and routines are to the NHL’s best players.

Playing hockey can be stressful, especially when things do not go as anticipated. Training camps can be a testing ground for how a player reacts to stress. How focused they can remain on what is under their control and let the uncontrollable go, is key. Bringing awareness, understanding, and consistency to their preparation will have a significant impact on their performance. When a player has a great training camp, it sets them up to have a great start to their season. When you have great flow to start the season, effectively managing the ebbs and flows of hockey becomes a reality.

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