Minor Hockey Seasonal Planning

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This is your guide to building and implementing a full-season plan.

In order to have a successful season, you need to be well prepared. While good coaches create their plan before practice - great coaches have their whole season mapped out before they blow their first whistle.

During our inaugural Minor Hockey Week, Michael Dundas, Manager of Hockey Development with the OMHA, shared how they approach season planning and provide templates, tips and tricks on how you can think holistically about the season and deliver intentional practice sessions every week.

Over the course of Dundas' five videos on Seasonal Planning, you’ll learn why failing to prepare is preparing to fail, how a seasonal plan provides focus during a hectic season, why alignment amongst stakeholders is critical for high performing teams/programs, and why you need to be clear about and communicate what success looks like (not linked to wins & losses) and how you plan to measure it.

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