U6-U11 Minor Hockey Curriculums

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These video based curriculums are designed to create a blueprint for coaches of all levels, ensuring that each player’s time on ice is fun and effective.

We’re excited to unveil our full-season curriculums, designed for the U6, U7, U8, U9 and U11 age groups! 

Acting as a 20 week guiding document for a youth hockey season, these curriculums provide coaches with a season's worth of video-based practice plans and offer a quick and easy solution to get ready for the rink.

Taught by former NHL Skills Coach, Glenn Carnegie, these programs are sectioned in 6-8 phases to maximize progression based training over the course of the season. With a focus on station based drills and small area games, each practice and corresponding drills are placed into the period of the program to help move along the team’s seasonal arc. Over the year, teams will need to ramp things up to the height of competition while learning and growing together as a group.

Here's a preview of the U9 Curriculum featuring the "1 Net 3 vs 3" Small Area Game:



Each curriculum consists of 39, 60 min Practices Plans, with each having 5 drills in the ice session. The practices are based on a team of up to 18 skaters and 3-4 coaches, although all the drills can be adjusted to match the number of participants and size of surface.

We’ve provided a quick overview of each age group’s curriculum below:

U6 Minor Hockey Curriculum

This U6 Minor Hockey Curriculum is built for players and coaches who are new to hockey and looking to build the basic skills needed to progress in the game.

U7 Minor Hockey Curriculum

The U7 curriculum is designed for coaches and players looking to implement progressions from the U6 program in all facets & skills in the game today. This program will cover all major skills including: skating & edges, stick-handling, shooting and small area games.  

U8 Minor Hockey Curriculum

Lay the groundwork for a successful U8 season with this eight phase curriculum that works on everything from skating and skills to new patterns and progress fundamentals, including advanced drills for the more experienced learners.

U9 Minor Hockey Curriculum

In this U9 curriculum, coaches start with season prep, work on skating & skills, encourage competitive fun, challenge learners and reinforce and advance player skills before ending the season on a high note.

U11 Competitive Minor Hockey Program

This curriculum is designed to be a 20 week guiding document for a competitive U11 program during a hockey season. The drills provide an overview of skills as well as basic tactics that are required to play at the U11 level. The focus is on skill development and encouraging the players to learn the game through physical exploration and small area games. The overall goal of the program is to provide a coaching staff the tools necessary to effectively train a team over the course of a season.

Please note that these curriculums are not meant to be the be-all and end-all of coaching. Their purpose is to be a resource for those who need support or are looking for inspiration to include in their own practice.

Good luck on the ice!

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