Global Skills Showcase Drill Book – Mike McGinnis

Mike McGinnis Photo
Mike McGinnis

Check out the drills Mike McGinnis shared during his Global Skills Showcase presentation, including Camrose Corners and 3v2 Off Rim.

Mike McGinnis is in his 19th year working in hockey, currently as Regional Manager of Development with Hockey Alberta. He’s tasked with creating player and coach programming, and works with upwards of 500 players & 500 coaches on and off the ice each year. A student of the game himself, McGinnis noticed there was an art to rim collections and wall pickups, which his presentation discusses.

McGinnis, who is also a Certified Skills Instructor with Hockey Canada and a scout for the Canmore Eagles of the AHJL, teaches the skills within the tactics of rim collections and wall pickups during his 36-minute presentation. This video is split into three segments: the why (how it can help you), the how (technique & analysis) and the when & where (exploring common gameplay scenarios). It’s a minor hockey biased presentation, covering U13AA to Junior, but using mainly NHL examples.

Camrose Corners


  • 4-6 skaters, half in each line to start.
  • Red1 starts the drill on the wall with a puck, on coaches command Red1 rim releases the puck to the backwall.
  • As Red1 moves the puck, White1 will sprint down to the back-wall for a collection.
  • After Red1 moves the puck, he now sprints to the opposite line and becomes White3.
  • White1 will collect the puck, move it in one motion back in the direction it came (from half wall) and then also sprint to the opposite line becoming the new Red2.
  • Drill is now continuous, players just dart in to collect/control puck and move it back in the direction it came to the next awaiting player.
  • Switch lines every touch in order to get backhand and forehand touches.


  • Top hand and elbow raised.
  • Stab down in a fluid motion.
  • Let puck go past midline of body.

Ranger Plus Coach Pressure


  • Drill is continuous but one player must start down low to kick it off.
  • Red1 comes to a complete stop on the bottom of the circle (on the dot line) with a coach on their back.
  • Red2 rim releases a puck to the backwall and then attacks the slot for a shot.
  • Red1 must read/feel coaches pressure and roll the opposite way and make a quick pass to Red2 in the slot.
  • After Red2 shoots they become the down low passer on opposite side.


  • Shooters attack downhill, avoid “opening up” and skating backwards.
  • Teach quick plays off the backwall, passer can’t cross behind net or above the goal line.
  • 2 touch collection when possible
  • Avoid full dekes, quick moves to change shooting angles are acceptable.

Ranger Plus Pressure Prog. 2


Progression from “Ranger + Coach Pressure.”

  • Red1 starts on bottom of circle to start the drill as the passer. Red2 will rim release puck and then become the checker (pressure), Red3 is shooter attacking the slot.
  • Red2 can only check Red1 and has to sprint down and try to disrupt the play. This drill is not built for playing a passive 2v1.
  • Red3 becomes passer on opposite side after their scoring attempt.


  • This drill is about urgency, quick plays off the back wall.
  • Low passer should use pre-scans to identify pressure, passing lanes, routes, time and space.
  • Checker goes 100%, nothing is free for the passer.

Ranger Plus Pressure 2v2 Prog. 3


Progression from “Ranger + Pressure.”

  • Red1 starts on bottom of circle as passer, Red2 will rim release puck and then become the checker (pressure), Red3 is shooter attacking slot. White1 is now a checker, they start on the opposite side and try to meet Red3 in the slot to disrupt their scoring attempt.
  • Red2 can only check Red1, they have to sprint down and try to disrupt the play, this drill is not built for playing a passive 2v1.
  • Red3 becomes passer on opposite side after their scoring attempt.


  • This drill is about urgency, quick plays off the backwall by Red1 and Red3 is in a race with White1 for the slot area.
  • Passer should use pre-scans to identify pressure, passing lanes, routes, time and space.
  • Checkers go 100%, nothing is free for the passer or shooter.

3v2 Off Rim


  • 3 F’s trying to score vs 2 D trying to skate it out over the ringette line.
  • Drill starts with F1 (or a coach) rimming a puck hard around so it is met by F3 &D2 on the opposite side.
  • F3 must use previously learned techniques to get puck collected/stopped/scrummed.
  • F1&F2 must sprint and provide support.
  • D1 comes to suppor their partner.
  • Play out until F’s score or D get control and skate it out.


  • D2 needs to hustle for a disrupt, can’t be passive and makes F3 collect the puck under heavy pressure.
  • D can pass between each other to breakout, read strength of possession and work on releasing to be an outlet when applicable.
  • Guide forwards through support options, triggers and attacks from below the goal line.

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