Global Skills Showcase Drill Book – Katy Jo West

Katy Jo West Photo
Katy Jo West

Check out the drills Katy Jo West shared during her Global Skills Showcase presentation, including Ladder Shuffle & Quick Start + Retrieval.

Katy Jo West grew up at the rink, just without hockey equipment. West was a highly competitive figure skater who gained a love of hockey from her brother; fast forward to today where the Founder of Katy Jo Power Skating combines figure skating with hockey.

West uses her background in edge work and technical skating mechanics to develop hockey players. Her Global Skills Showcase presentation features the Katy Jo Power Skating Coaching Principle Pyramid, six steps to develop speed, teaching tips, coaching cues, & more.

Ladder Shuffle 1v1


  • Offensive and defensive line will start the ladder at the same time with one cross/one stop lateral crossovers.
  • After finalizing the ladder, the defensive player will accelerate with a quick-start forward to the goal line, and the offensive player will accelerate forward with a quick-start to the blue line.
  • Once each player approaches the line, they will use crossovers to maintain speed clockwise skating toward the opposing players starting position.
  • The forward will stop at the defensive starting position, pick up a puck and proceed through the ladder with a shuffle.
  • The defensive player will continue skating wide around the net, around the offensive’ ladder, and continues crossing over toward the cone.
  • Once both athletes complete the course, the offensive player will attempt to score, and the defensive player will use their acceleration and lead his/her stick to attempt to stop the offensive player for getting a shot.


  • Quick feet.
  • D full speed around the net and cone then take a good attack angle on attacker.
  • D force attacker outside of the good ice to a bad angle.

Quick Start + Retrieval 1v1


  • Defense does quick v-start with toes facing up ice, retrieves puck and touch passes back to line, resumes with toes facing up ice uses a transition and then accelerates toward the ladder along the goal line focusing on leading with stick.
  • Offensive line begins shuffle along neutral zone ladder as defender does side shuffle along goal line ladder.
  • Defensive line chips puck around end wall where defender out of the ladder uses quick start and crossover to retrieve puck, heading up the wall.
  • As offender comes out of ladder, they will receive a pass from defender where they will begin one-on-one as offender enters the zone.


  • Quick feet.
  • Work drill from both sides to work on pivoting in both directions.
  • Defender should take a good angle on attacker and force player into bad shooting angle.

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