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In episode 289 of the Glass and Out Podcast we're joined by Cognitive Behavioural Sports Specialist Larissa Mills for a very important conversation.
Whether it’s social media, sports betting, pornography, or any number of other apps designed to highjack the focus of your players, smart phones have become an opponent we’re all grappling with.
Mills holds a BA in Sociology, Psychology, and a Masters of Science in Education, specializing in brain functionality and learning mechanisms. She is the Founder of the Mental Game Academy, an organization committed to empowering athletes, specifically by helping them overcome addiction to their phones.
She also gave a talk last year's at TCS Live on How Phones and Social Media Impact Athlete's Brains and Hockey IQ.
Listen as she shares why confidence is directly linked to phone usage, why gambling and porn have become a major issue for today's youth, and solutions for coaches on handling these many issues.
Video Timestamps:
- 0:00 Defining addiction/dopamine/cortisol
- 6:25 Blue light's impact
- 8:00 When did phones become a problem?
- 11:55 Emotional traffic lights
- 15:50 Aaron's experience with phones while coaching
- 21:40 Strategies for avoiding phone usage
- 25:40 Phones are affecting confidence
- 29:15 Addiction is on the rise/appropriate age to have a phone
- 32:50 Cyber bullying/porn/gambling
- 46:00 Knowing you have a problem/socializing
- 49:00 Creating boundaries for phones
- 56:35 Introducing mental skills to youth
- 1:00:20 Today's athlete lacks of socializing
- 1:04:15 Success stories
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