
Dan Bauer Photo
Dan Bauer

 1 - 1 SUPPORT 2 - 1

Drill incorporates:

1-Winning a puck races with your body position

2- Puck battle- transitions from Offense to Defense

3- Escaping with puck or pinning puck carrier to activate support

4- Puck support to create a 2 on 1 / Potential for a 2 on 2

5- Executing and defending a 2 on 1 situation

Drill Description
 1 vs 1 race for a spotted puck into corner by coach -- players cannot cross behind net until it becomes a 2 on 1
     Win race with early body position, cut off opponent

If defensive player (lost puck race), they work to PIN opponent along the wall
     (A) If a successful PIN is established, stopping the puck carrier, 2 supports creating a 2 on 1

Puck carrier attempts to get outside corner (marked with dotted line) with possession
     (B) If successful, 2 supports creating a 2 on 1
     Offensive 2 on 1 attempts to exploit defender by using pass across the "Royal Road" 

In 2 on 1 play, if defensive player can execute a PIN, 2 may support creating a 2 on 2

Continue play until a goal is scored, save or coaches discretion

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