Dudingen 2vs2 + 1vs1 small area game:
Drill Description
- Players in the middle play 2vs2
- "Jokers" on the sides are ready to challenge each other when getting the puck.
- "Jokers" can enter the middle if another player takes their spot.
- Amount of players should always stay the same in each area.
Key Teaching Points
- Communication
- Find creative solutions to build the offence.
- Planning the attack 2-3 steps and making switches with a purpose.
- Defending team communicates to limit the offensive team's movement in and out of areas.
- Defending team stop the attacking players and keep them away from dangerous areas.
- We are working on F3 support as we can not leave our area without another taking our spot.
Player Analytics: 22 players
Skating 40% = 4min
Involvement 40% = 4min
Puck exchanges = 40+
Shoots = 10+
Waiting without Involvement 60% = 6min
- Players Involvement 35% = 8 out of 22
- High Intensity
@thecoachessite #myfavhockeydrill