Every coach wants to have more practice time, however, are we making each drill we use productive from a development perspective?
When it comes to warm-up drills, the mindset is to use this time to get players touching the puck, getting their blood flowing, and feeling good. As a coach, is there a way we can look at warm-up as a way to improve technical skills, focus on spatial awareness, and set a highly competitive standard for practice?
It is critical for coaches to assess how we structure our warm-ups in practice. In a youth hockey game, you are only given a few minutes to warm-up, then the game is on, so we need to create an environment that replicates that in practice. We need to create an environment early in practice that will enhance the competitive level of our players, while still using this time to promote technical and tactical skill development.
The following are five warm-up drills coaches can incorporate into their practices to make warm-up more effective for player development:
1. In-zone chaos
Each player has one puck and must stay inside the one end zone. On the whistle, players skate at top speed controlling the puck with their eyes up.
On the second whistle, players skate at three-quarter speed using only their inside edges (sculling).
- Players skating at top speed on each whistle quickly perform a jab turn to change direction (encourages players to scan ice prior to the turn).
- At each whistle, players perform a skate-to-stick kick up.
- One colour stands still stickhandling, the other colour skates at top speed around the zone. Encourage team skating around to attack the triangles of players standing still.
Key elements:
- Puck control
- Scanning ice with puck possession
- Spatial awareness
2. Partner passing chaos
Players partner up and have one puck between each other. Everyone is skating around inside the end zone. Partners are passing back and forward with each other.
On the whistle, players increase their speed. On the next whistle, players slow down to half speed.
On second whistle, players stop, stand a few feet apart, and either touch-pass, backhand pass with backhand pass reception, or backhand reception with forehand pass.
Key elements:
- Passing and pass reception
- Scanning
- Spatial awareness
3. 5v3 keepaway
With a marker, split the ice in half vertically in one end zone. Five players in one colour start on one side, five players in the other colour start on the other side.
To start the drill, the coach spots a puck to one side and three players from the opposite team skate over to the other side of the ice, and look to gain possession of the puck, while the team with the puck looks to keep it away and maintain puck possession. If the defending team with three players gains puck possession, they try and move the puck back to their side of the ice to their two teammates.
5 passes in a row on your side = 1 point
Key elements:
- Passing and pass reception
- Motion off the puck
- Communication
- F/C skills (angling, stick on ice)
4. Pass through gates
Have three stickhandling aids or three pairs of cones spread out in one end zone. Drill is played 3v3, with players trying to complete a pass to their teammate through the stick.
2 points = Pass through stick
1 point = Stickhandle under stick
1 point = Stick on puck takeaway
Key elements:
- Passing and pass reception
- Communication
- Motion off the puck to create passing lane
- Patience with the puck for seams to open up
5. 3v3 with outlets
Game is played 3v3 in the neutral zone. One colour is spaced out on the blue line, and the other colour on the opposite blue line.
Prior to shooting, players must pass to their outlet players and look to find quiet ice to get the puck back. Outlet players can shoot or pass.
Key elements:
- Communication
- Finding quiet ice to receive puck
- Defending off the puck