4 Hockey Practice Drills For Better Net Drives

In order to score more goals, we’ve got to get the puck off the wall and into the prime scoring area. While we can certainly pass and shoot the puck into the slot to generate chances, we must also teach all of our players how to drive the puck to the net effectively with possession and power. In order to execute effective net drives in the game, players must develop the skills & confidence to possess the puck in high pressure & high contact situations at practice. Once your players unlock this skill set, your team’s ability to generate quality scoring chances in games increases dramatically.

Check out this clip of Team Canada’s Rebecca Johnston driving the net to see the simple and effective skill executed incredibly well.

Below are 4 simple drills you can do at your next practice to help players learn how to drive the net and generate better scoring chances.



DRILL #1 - Partner Tight Turn Net Drive Basics

Players partner up to work on their tight turns and puck protection skills. The stationary player stands with their stick facing away from the cone. The puck carrier skates up one side of their partner and executes a tight turn to drive around them while trying to make contact with their stick.  The puck carrier then cuts in front of their cone before turning up the other side to execute a tight turn in the opposite direction. Partners switch roles on the whistle.


  • Can start with no puck to focus on proper tight turn technique as well as ability to build a wall with body to protect puck from defender.
  • Teach players to use an arm bar to disrupt partner's stick and build an even more effective wall

DRILL #2 - Basic Net Drive Off Retrieval

NOTE: You do NOT need to use the cones I've shown here - however, with less experienced players, it can be very helpful to show them the specific line you'd like them to take to the net on the drive.

HIGH Drive: Coach spots puck into space for player to retrieve and then drive wide using crossovers to accelerate hard to the net.

LOW Drive: Coach spots puck into space for player to retrieve and then drive to the middle using crossovers to accelerate hard to the net.


  • Add scripted coach pressure - a) passive: take cones out and have players drive tight around coach to get to net, b) active: coach pressures the initial retrieval as well as the net drive
  • Add turn-back option - players start hard drive to net and then turn-back to attack a different seam. Make sure players still drive net hard out of the turn-back. Add coach pressure with this option.
  • Add teammate pressure on initial retrieval, net drive and turn-back.

DRILL #3 - 1v1 Net Drives Off Retrieval

Coach dumps puck into the corner for attacking player to retrieve and start driving up the wall against the defender who is giving chase. Attacker is looking to use their net drive puck protection skills to drive the puck back into the scoring area to generate a high quality scoring chance. Attackers can use tight turns, fakes, turn-backs, crossovers, c-cuts and arm bars to solve the problem of beating that defender with speed while maintaining possession.


  • Defender - no stick, flipped stick, full stick
  • Cones - increasing space between 'gates' attacker has to drive through makes it easier, taking cones out makes it more game-like
  • 2v2 - players who completed the last rep stay in the slot area and battle again - attacker trying to get open for their teammate, defender trying to prevent them from getting the puck

DRILL #4 - 2 Whistle Drill From Corner & Blue

CORNER VERSION: On 1st whistle, puck carrier (X1) must carry it up wall while X2 shadows staying a stick length away. On 2nd whistle, X1 attacks the net and tries to score while X2 defends. If no goalie, shot must come below hash-marks.

BLUE-LINE VERSION: On 1st whistle, X3 must carry it down the wall while X4 maintains stick length gap until the 2nd whistle blows. On 2nd whistle, X3 attacks net and tries to score while X4 defends.


  • Defender - no stick, stick flipped, full stick
  • Attack - can only shoot from below hash-marks

Try these drills out at your next session to help your players be more confident driving pucks to the net. Challenge yourself to come up with your own variations that best fit your team’s needs.

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